Sunday, August 8, 2010

Retiring List now available!!

Every year we get to say goodbye to several of our favorite products to make room for new products.  There are many products on this list including all but four of our new paper packs!  Be sure to check out the list- if any of these have been on your wish list you better order soon!  Products listed are available while supplies last or until December 31, 2010! 

View the retiring products list here. 

To see the items go to the Shop Online link on my website and enter the product number in the search area. 

Don't forget that the $2, $4, $6 online sale is still on until August 11th!  Visit my web site's Shop Online link to check out the paper packs and stickease that are still available for these incredible prices!

To take advantage of these opportunitities visit my website today!!

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